7/10:Update Information
    Regular maintenance ended on 7/10 15:30
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Correspondence Details
    Shop Updates
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    Opening Events Details
    Summer Festa 2024 Help us prepare for the Summer Festa. Get a reward for listening to everyone's requests!
    ∟Period: JST 2024/07/10 15:30~2024/07/24 13:59
    Silver White Wolf! Giant Syllian Defeat Battle! There will be event-only achievements for you to get usable items for your adventure during the periodc!
    The boss will be changed from the 21:00 session
    ∟Period: JST 2024/07/10 15:30~2024/07/24 13:59
    Completed Details
    Undersea Search - Find the treasure that lies beneath the sea floor - ~JST:2024/7/10 13:59
    Ice Titan! Giant Snoa Defeat Battle! ~JST:2024/7/10 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.
