3/8:Notice for temporary maintenance
    Regular maintenance ended on 3/8 15:30
    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Correspondence Details
    Shop Updates
    Click here for more information !
    Opening Events Details
    Max Boost support campaign During the campaign period, the G (gold) required to release the level cap will be one tenth of the normal amount.
    ∟Period:JST 2023/03/08 15:30~2023/03/23 13:59
    Many Monsters at ChallengeDungeon Campaign ChallengeDungeon monsters' number of popping up to 2x~!!
    ∟Period: JST 2023/03/08 15:30~2023/03/23 13:59
    Ghost of Dark Knight! Great Gran Zeal Defeat Battle! There will be event-only achievements for you to get usable items for your adventure during the period!
    ∟Period: JST 2023/03/08 15:30~2023/03/22 13:59
    Completed Details
    Treasure Hunt in the Desert~Hidden Desert Droplets~ ~JST:2023/2/15 23:59
    Speedy Dog! Giant Shih Tzu Defeat Battle! ~JST:2023/3/8 13:59
    Thank you for your cooperation.
